
What fascinates people of many nationalities and ethnicities, different social classes, different sexes and ages about Capoeira? What significance does this danced martial art have for them? What does it do to them and what do they make of it?

Filhos da Capoeira draws a multi-faceted portrait of Capoeira as a cultural form that influences the everyday life and the way of thinking and living of her children (Filhos). The documentary introduces biographies of social and economic advancement, explores Capoeira as a way to break out of crime, drugs and violence and the possibility to build bridges of migration between Brazil and Europe. It shows the role Capoeira can play in creating a feeling of home and how Capoeiristas all over the world adopt Capoeira entirely. They not only practice a sport, but also learn Brazilian songs, instruments, dances, language, history and get to know Brazilian Afro culture. 

Can Capoeira be a way to more social integration and cultural exchange? What potential does it have to overcome borders, bring people together and promote diversity?